Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fab Networks

Running a small business can be lonely business. One has to be an expert at all kinds of things ; marketing, sales, admin, organising, planning, cleaning, all things IT, accounting, taxation, customer service, advertising, PR, law AND be better than one's competitors while keeping one's head above water as well concentrating on the actual business at hand.
Running a business in another country where the rules are different, the people speak the wrong language, where bureaucracy can reduce grown men to tears and the law changes every five seconds, can throw up altogether new challenges.
Being a part of a Business Network can make your life a little easier ... The local Network for all expats and nationalities in the region is called FAB Networks (French Anglo Business) and they meet about once a month to co-work, network and organise events. There are over 20 different nationalities in the Network and everyone brings something to the table.
If you have a small business in the Pyrenees Orientales or are thinking of setting up one, it would be an ideal network for you.
The next meeting of FAB Networks is on this Monday 5th March from 12h to 14h in ESPI on Quai Vauban in Perpignan. This lunch and learn date hosted by Anna Walmsey of AW Consulting will focus on social media and how all small businesses can benefit.
Lunch will be 10euros and people are advised to bring their laptops.
You can register here 

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Thank you Kaz!

    It certainly does get lonely working on your own in a foreign country and very hard work. Joining a business network does help ease all that as well as getting the chance to meet new people in a similar situation.


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